Work outs have not been going that great. Well when they happen they are good but the laziness of me has been taking over lately. The positive here is I got my butt to the gym and ran 4 miles on the dreadmill.
Eating was going good last week until the weekend came. And until today that had not gotten back on track. So the positive here is that I did very well today.
The major positive I want to write about is that I recently had blood work done. The last time I had blood work was 11/30.2005 so it has been almost 2 years ago. Well my Total Cholesterol went up. WHAT I have lost 100 or so pounds and it went up? So how is raising your total cholesterol a positive? Well here are the details.
11/30/2005 Total Cholesterol 178 HDL was 39 (good Cholesterol) and my LDL was 125 (bad cholesterol. VLDL (i have no idea what that is) was 14.
9/20/2007 Total Cholesterol 191 HDL is 63 and LDL is 117. It is not on this report but I assume my VLDL is 11 (to make the math work).
So there it is Good Cholesterol went up 24 and Bad Cholesterol went down 8 and VLDL went down 3.
Edited to add: My Triglycerides went from 72 down to 53.
Even though the overall # went up, your HDL went up a lot! And your LDL went down. I'll bet your LDL will drop even more for next time and your overall # will drop. Good job!
Everything going in the right direction and in the right range! Check this out for normal/optimal ranges:
So, you're a healthy guy!
those are numbers to shout about. I bet it's a challenge working out when the temps fall.
Dan - those seasonal blahs are hitting everyone right now. Don't beat yourself up. I have been reading post after post about how the workouts aren't what the norm was a month ago. This too will pass. You'll be back on track in no time.
Your numbers - outstanding.
total chol under 200 is good, and the proportions are going in the right directions, so I think it is fine. Was it a fasting result? that makes a difference.
LDL=low density lipoproteins (bad chol)
VLDL=very low density lipoproteins(very bad chol). I think of it as a lower rank of LDL, a number you want to keep seeing go lower.
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