Here is the weekend wrap up other than above mentioned Saturday Morning. Friday we had a great time at our girl’s pre-school graduation. Kelsey and Caitlyn both did a great job and we were so proud of them. I will post pictures either tonight or tomorrow. We went out to dinner after the graduation and had a great time with our kids and my Mother, Kim’s Mom and Dad, and Aunt Jo.
Saturday afternoon the Karate studio where my kids go to was having their annual picnic on a local lake. Capps Picnic Park What a blast the kids had, as well as Kim and I. We did paddle boating, canoeing (first time I did this), and swimming along with a bunch of other cool activities. When we got home from that around 6:30 pm we were all dead to the world and had a nice quiet night.
Sunday being Fathers day we had a nice day playing around the house and the kids got to play in the slip n’ slide for a while. Kim cooked a great early dinner and her parents came over and ate with us. Then I got out for my first work out of the weekend (not including the canoeing and paddling). I got out and rode my normal 13.1 mile route. I think I came in around 52:00 minutes or so. My Ride
And happy to say that I got up this morning at 5:00 am and got a run in of 3.20 miles. My Run Weight was up a little this morning but not too bad considering I ate a lot over the past 72 hours.
This is a test - Mike I think you helped create a monster.
life gets in the way - sure enough....
Awesome weekend with the kids. I see you're enjoying your Grmin and have the motionbased figured out. And you have your autolap set. I just figured out I HAVE an autolap 2 weeks ago!
Hey to post your garmin data as a photo, get your training center open, then when you have the screen you want, hit ALT and Print screen. Then open MS Paint and go edit, paste and your screen shot will be pasted. THen save it as a JPEG and you can post it like normal. My wife and I would both rather race than clean so we make the kids do it!!
Good job Dan- you did the right thing. Sometimes I have felt the same frustration with Bigun. Mostly though he's pretty good at helping out. That's why I am such a big supporter. There are times when you have to realign your priorites. You chose right, good for you!!
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