When it comes to counting laps I am the world’s worse lap counter. Just take my word that I am the worse at it. I am constantly questioning my lap count. So the other day at the pool I saw Carol, (she is a reader) who was swimming in the lane next to me, after each 100 yards she moved a coin (the pool we use is 25 yards I should mention). I thought that was the greatest thing. Yeah I know it doesn’t take much to entertain me what can I tell you. I told her I liked that and I was going to incorporate that to my swimming. So when she was at the other end of the pool I stole all her coins. Just kidding I just brought some the next time I went to the pool. So at this point I didn’t know the proper strategy to the coin/lap counting so had to make one up.
I brought with me 2 dimes, 1 nickel, and 4 pennies (basically my whole allowance that Kim gives me each week). So the plan was that for every 100 I would move a penny from the left to the right and then at 500 yards I would move the nickel to the right and bring back the pennies to the left. And after 900 yards I would have a nickel and four pennies and then I would bring the dime for 1000 and put the nickel and pennies back to the left. Yeah I know not rocket science but lets not forget it took me 11 years to get my Associates Degree (I wonder if that is a record)?
That plan was going great until about 150 yards (yeah I get that, that is only 6 laps) when now I couldn’t remember if I was coming back for 150 or 200. What can I tell you I think about other things when I am swimming, like basically anything other than swimming. So here is where I incorporated the “DAN TWIST” to the whole coin/lap thingy. After 50 yards (down and back) I would only move the coin half way between the left and right pile. It’s thinking like that that made me not have to go back for a 12th year for the Associates. I know you think that it is really slowing me down but really as slow as I am as a swimmer the extra 1.5 seconds it takes is not going to make that much of a difference. So this "trick" with my 7 coins is only good for 2900 yards but for me that is more then enough. If you are going longer bring more dimes.
Yeah I know I could buy one of these things below for a mere $30.00 but really isn’t technology already taking up enough of my time?
ahhh I have the same problem! The coin thing is a great idea, but I think I am going to buy one of thoe things below.
Why yes I did actually. I have one and love it.
You do have to remember to click it which is sometimes a problem, but a vast improvement nonetheless.
i use to have the same issue then i would use something on the wall so i could see it when i would breath, then i would just count that. This way you are only counting once. So say you see the picture on the wall 2 times, then you swam 100yards.. 4 times 200 and so on... It's worked much better for me. It's not fool proof. :)
WOW...I am impressed with your change-making skills and counting while swimming!! That's a great idea. My mind wanders too much when I swim to be smart enough to remember that though, so I shelled out the money (or I should say Jeff did) to get one of the little finger counters...I love it! I have to thank Javamom for giving me the idea.
I love this post :)
You get more allowance than me from my wife :(
Great idea with the coins. I generally just hit my lap time every 10 lengths and if the time doesn't look right I know if I've gone 2 less or 2 more than the 10.
The finger counter looks a great idea though. Another thing to ask Santa for :)
The coin idea is a great idea, except it seems like you will be playing more with coins than swimming?
The lap counter device looks cool.
Yes, I have that little finger clicker. Honestly keeping track of laps was becoming exhausting. I could not ever relax my brain at all while swimming because I always had a number going. It was so nice to get the clicker and just be able to push the little button on each lap...ahhh...
Hey, that coin moving thing is a great idea. For years I wanted to develop an "invention" I had for counting laps. It was to be like a hockey puck that you set on the edge of the pool, with a big button on top that you hit like the snooze button on your alarm clock, that would count each time you did a lap. Alas, others have invented better gadgets for lap counting, but I thought it would be pretty neat!
My strategy now... nursery rhymes with a twist. One, two buckle my shoe, and then I make up my own rhymes to add to that ... "33, 34 Let's swim some more," "47, 48 I'm still feeling great," etc. I know, kinda lame-o, but it works for me. :-) Maybe I should invest in the finger clicker thing.
Come to the open water swim at Wenonah Lake...it's 1/5 of a mile for each lap...much less counting and great TeamTriumph company! Hope to see you soon, Dan.
for me counting laps consists of how many times I can circle the Jacuzzi..I usually stop at one and then remain relatively still for the duration. ;)
Dan -- I am totally impressed with your thorough lap counting methodology.
Here's another idea -- maybe an abacus. Would save you the time of having to figure out the nickel, dime, penny thing. Also self-contained so you don't have to worry about having exact change. Think of all the conversation it would strike up, especially behind your back!
I think you've also proved that you're perfectly suited for a career as a cashier in the fast food industry.
Nice going!
Used to swim in a 12yds pool, 320 laps was my longest. Used to hate swimming in it, spent all my time thinking about the count. Seen some lap timers that stick to the wall of the pool, and count your time and lap count.
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