I don't get too political on this blog or in my daily life for that matter. But this is my guess for today. If you are a Republican you think Palin won the debate. And if you are a Democrat you think Biden won the debate. One thing I like doing right after the debate is turning on Fox News to hear all their "experts" tell us how the Republican did so great. And then I turn to MSNBC to hear their "expert" tell us how the Democrat kicked ass.
For the record I don't vote party lines, I try to do my best to decide for myself who will do the best job for the country. This year I am still undecided, however NJ is a huge Democratic State and although I will vote, the Democrat's will most likely win NJ running away.
Same with NY. Dem state fo sho!
I did the same as you and watched the 'national experts' say who won. I got a whole different perspective from my local news stations. They thought that Palin was terrible, which is the impression that I had.
In my opinion Palin easily beat Biden... in the looks department. What? Was I supposed to be paying attention to more than that?
I try to stay out of the politics crap! That's why I am running.. To forget about this crap.
I think the debate was ... meh. I mean, nothing great and nothing horrible by either Biden of Palin.
I am a bleeding heart liberal, so you can guess who I'm voting for ;)
Don't you think she looks like Biden's daughter here?
Another blue stater here.
no idea how this will pan out but u are right on just switch channels to hear who won...lol!
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