Not really sure if I will resume blogging or not. Started this blog to document training and share my life altering experience (weight loss and being active). Would love to think that I have inspired a person or two to change their life but honestly this blog has not been real inspiring in a long, long time (if ever at all).
I will take a few days to figure out what I want to do but the once a month post really is not doing myself or anyone else for that matter any good. I can be found on twitter and facebook. I think I liked the fact that when I started this blog no one knew me. Now I feel like I have to be more careful of what I say to not offend others (family and friends). And my wife took a new position in Sept. as an administrator in a local school district so I have to be mindful of what I write about her as well.
I for sure will continue to follow all the blogs I currently follow (and add new ones). I don't comment that much any more but I do read them.
I sometimes feel that way about my blog Dan. I'll still see you on FB so that's good enough.
Hope things are well in Jersey.
Best of luck Dan, it has been so great to watch your transformation over these years from CK to blogging! Maybe I will see you at the NYC marathon one of these days :)
I hear ya Dan. I'm having similar feelings, but I feel like my work is not yet done. Neither is yours.
Whatever you decide, I'll be checking in on you.
I for one have been motivated by your story. But, I know what you mean. I think my blog is on life support too.
Keep runnin' and I'll follow your twitter and fb.
I have had the same feelings about blogging lately, but I feel that bloggin helps me in my running, and I will continue to do it, especially with 2 marathons on the plate this fall.
If you don't blog, I'll be sure to follow you on FB !
Hope to see you on FB!
Today I wanted to post some real frustrations... and although I know the guy never reads my blog, i'm terrified that he will right after I post it.
it stinks having to monitor your freedom of speech.
You are not the only one. I tend to update my blog on a weekly basis (every 5 to 10 days) which is good enough. Your point is well taken. If you don't blog, I will see you on FB.
Yup. Sounds like me every now and then. It's hard to tell if anyone is visiting too. My posts used to be daily, but I've since then run out of time.
Like Ted, I try to update my blog about once a week.
Sorry to hear that Dan. As a fellow blogger (www.blogbyfattom.com) and Clydesdale Ironman, it is sad to see you go. BTW, I notice you have your race results, you can see mine www.blogbyfattom.com and scroll down two posts. Take care (and just my opinion..keep blogging and keep training!!!!)
that picture made me laugh.. I'll miss reading your blog :( but keep in touch through mine !
It happened to me, but not posting will make one forget how discipline we are at running. I stoped blogging and got lazy with my running, so i am starting to blog once again. And registered for a race this weekend.
its never done completely.. the thing is like.. show must go on..
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