Monday, January 5, 2009

First change for 2009

I have to start going to bed earlier than I had been getting to bed in 2008. I sometimes don't get to bed until after midnight. Then the alarm goes off for Kim at 5am. Sure I fall back to sleep but it's not a sound sleep if you know what I mean. So I am making the effort to go to bed between 9 an 10 pm. What makes this hard is I am a local news junkie. I usually watch the local Fox broadcast at 10pm, and then at 11pm turn on the local CBS news. I will just have to catch the local news in the morning.

Here is just one of many articles out there about the benefits of a good night sleep. This one is from

Medical News Today

Adequate sleep helps you lose weight

11 Jan 2004

Do you need to lose weight? Then, turn off the television or computer an hour earlier and go to bed. We're sleeping too little, experts warn.

Too much sitting instead of being active is clearly part of why overweight is now common.

But studies suggest that a lack of sleep may make weight loss and weight control more of a challenge by altering our metabolism, as well as our eating and activity patterns.

Some research has directly tested the idea that sleep deprivation leads to weight problems. For instance, in a Japanese study of six-and seven-year olds, children who slept nine to ten hours a night were compared to those who only slept eight to nine hours.

The latter group was almost twice as likely to be overweight. Children sleeping less than eight hours a night were almost three times as likely to be overweight.

Changes in hormone levels have been linked to sleep deprivation in several studies. One hormone, cortisol, regulates metabolism of sugar, protein, fat, minerals and water. Physical or emotional stress raises cortisol levels. Lack of sleep may also raise levels at certain times of the day.

Second, higher levels of insulin, a condition known as insulin resistance, have also been linked to a shortage of sleep in several studies. Excess cortisol could be the link. Since insulin not only controls blood sugar, but also promotes fat storage, extra insulin makes weight loss more difficult.

Sleep affects behavior (UK - Behaviour. USA - Behavior)

Further research needs to validate the hormonal changes observed. But even without any hormonal impact, sleep deprivation can promote weight gain by affecting our behavior.

When people low on sleep find their energy dropping throughout the day, many turn to food for a pickup. The short-term rise in blood sugar gives a more energetic feeling, but often the extra calories are not needed by the body and must be stored as body fat.

Furthermore, the most appealing foods when we feel low on energy are often sweets or refined carbohydrates with low nutrient density. If sleep deprivation causes insulin resistance, overconsuming these types of carbohydrates may be especially problematic.

Not only is it easy to take in excess calories when sleep deprived. For many people, calorie burning decreases. If your extra waking hours are spent in sedentary activities at a desk or computer or in front of the TV, you're not burning many more calories than when asleep.

And when sleep deprived, people are often too tired to exercise. Or if they do manage to exercise, they work out less intensely than usual. For example, a rested person may walk two miles in a half-hour, while someone more fatigued may go much less. The tired person would burn fewer calories, despite walking just as long.

Sleep experts recommend at least eight hours of sleep a night for most adults. Yet Americans average just under seven hours during the workweek, according to the National Sleep Foundation. In fact, a third of adults reportedly sleep no more than six-and-a-half hours nightly.

Shutting off the TV an hour earlier means an hour less munching time. It could also shift your metabolism to make weight control easier. It could even leave you with more energy to exercise. Definitely, these are propositions to sleep on.

Article URL:

Main News Category: Sleep / Sleep Disorders / Insomnia

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Saturday, January 3, 2009

2008 - Not my best year.

I came in to the year with a lot of big plans for 2008. I came off 2007 with having ran 1000 miles. I completed my first half marathon in September of 2007. I followed that up with doing my first triathlon a week later with only two pool workouts under my belt. My weight was down to about 217 pounds which gave me a loss of 113 pounds since starting the journey. I also got my 5k time down to 26:30 (a year earlier I ran my first 5k in a little over 32 minutes.

I even started out 2008 on a pretty good note. I had a plan for what races I would do. I was training for my first 1/2 ironman. Looking back now I realize planning your first 1/2 iron June 1st (too early in the Tri season for me). I was training for this race but then I went up with some members of my Tri team to preview the course and realized real fast that I was not ready for those hills.

From that point on I think my year went down hill. I never really got behind a training plan like I should have. I did a handful of 5k races, and a few local sprint tri's. And throw in one Olympic distance Tri and that was my 2008 training and races. Then September came and I knew about a Tri class that takes place at a local University (about 8 miles from my house). I signed up and that really helped me get to the end of the year. I had a steady schedule of taking the class Tues, Thurs. and Saturday morning. So at the very least I was working out 3 days a week. I opted to not do any races in the fall and just take the tri class.

Now we get to my eating. Basically my eating this year has been horrible. I am snacking late at night. I am eating all day long on the weekends. I would have a week stretch here and there but then I would fall back to the bad habits. And it has shown on the scale. I ended the year at about 250 pounds. And I know at one point during the year even hit 255 pounds. I have to get this under control because I know if I do not it will not take long for me to be back to where I was. I am not ready to give up on this fight so I can't look back and must look forward.

On blogging, I feel like I was starting to have nothing to talk about so just posted a few times a month. Funny though when I am working out well, eating well, I feel like I blog better. So for now I will bring closure to 2008 and look forward to a better 2009.